Isaac Kabongo: Degrowth, COP talks and Family Planning in Uganda


February 2nd, 2025

1 hr 6 mins 55 secs

Season 7

Your Hosts
Special Guest

About this Episode

Isaac Kabongo is the CEO of the Uganda-based Ecological Christian Organisation (ECO), a faith-driven initiative dedicated to fostering environmental stewardship at the grassroots level. ECO works to integrate sustainability with community-led action, including raising awareness about family planning and contraception. By reframing the relationship between Christianity, family planning, and discussions around population, the organisation provides an important bridge between faith and sustainability.


In addition to his leadership at ECO, Isaac has represented Sustainable Population Australia (SPA) at each international COP talk since 2012, playing a key role in shaping discussions on how the Global South and Global North can collaborate to address population related issues. A committed advocate for Degrowth and Ecological Sustainability, Isaac’s insights are a vital contribution to the post-growth movement.

Isaac speaking at COP
Isaac speaking on a panel at a recent COP

As we are all aware, population sustainability remains a contentious issue. However, it is too often that the voices of experts from Global South communities remain unconsulted. In this episode, PGAP asks Isaac several pertinent questions relevant to the population debate, including:

"As a Ugandan citizen, how would you reassure the international community that it is a good thing that organisations within Australia and Uganda work together to address overpopulation in Uganda and other countries in the Global South?"

While Sustainable Population Australia (SPA) campaigns strongly on the domestic population issues facing Australia, less is known about the organisation’s commitment to the global stage. We hope this episode will be an inspiration on global partnerships in response to delivering on basic human rights such as access to family planning and reproductive healthcare.

Issac was interviwed for the SPA February 2025 Newsletter, which can be downloaded here.

Isaac at cop exhibition stall
Isaac Kabongo representing SPA at a COP exhibition stall, photographed with fellow exhibitors.

For more PGAP episodes that explore Global South perspectives on population, we recommend our interviews with Women for Conversation (Colombia) and Florence Blondel (who is also from Uganda).

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During this episode, we play the latest single from new West Australian band ‘Mobile Zebra’.

You can find out more about your co-hosts Michael Bayliss and Mark Allen here and here.