Mini Episode: Shane Simonsen on Farming, Podcasts, Books and Population


July 26th, 2024

15 mins 13 secs

Season 6

Your Hosts
Special Guest

About this Episode

In this mini episode, Post-Growth Australia Podcast reunites with Dr. Shane Simonson.

Last time we spoke with Shane in PGAP season 3, he gave us a tour of his 'Zero Input Agriculture' farm in Queensland.

We caught up with Shane to get an update of the farm - including the addition of some new four legged residents - only to discover that Shane has branched out accross many projects including:

Cohosting the Going To Seed Podcast.. This podcast is of special interest to anyone wanting to explore deeply into alternative and revolutionary crop breeders from around the world. The episode with Bruce Pascoe will be of particular interest to Australian listeners.

Shane Bruce

Shane has written a biological hard scifi novel "Our Vitreous Womb", under the author name Haldane B. Doyle. You can find more about Shane's impressive work of fiction here.

Shane has also written a non fiction novel "Taming the Apocalypse", a short novella exploring the potential of novel domestications and low tech biotechnology to guide humanity through the end of industrial civilisation. Find out more here.

Shane's two articles mentioned in the interview, are The City Is A Lion and The Genie in the Bottleneck. These articles will be of interest to anyone interested in overpopulation and seeking an original, perspective on the issue.

PGAP is made possible by the kind support of Sustainable Population Australia. All guest opinions, perspectives and past and present legacies are exclusively their own and may not always reflects those of PGAP or SPA. PGAP's official position on the population debate may be read at our [BLOG HERE].(

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