From the Human Overpopulation Atlas Website:

"My academic background is in Environmental Health with a Master's on Ecology and Environment. Currently a PhD candidate at the doctoral program of Climate Change and Policies for Sustainable Development of the University of Lisbon. I'm developing my thesis around the topic of Civilization Collapse, and currently searching for potential advisors who would like to be a part of this project.

My interest in Human Overpopulation arose from reading literature from authors that were much more prescient and timely than me, and their many contributions carved and forged my avidity to put in writing their work and my thoughts. I continue to write and speak on the topics of overpopulation, so I welcome anyone to take a tour through the website and get acquainted with the materials available. "

João's work on population is compiled online at his website Human Overpopulation Atlas Website here
The video of his panel presentation to the UN at Cop25 Madrid can be found here

João Abegão has been a guest on 1 episode.